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Happy Year Of The (wood) Snake...
What's all this sneaky snakey shenanigans all about then??! |
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Snake Symbology Over Millennia...
The Caduceus, the Rod of Asclepius, the Ouroboros and the Serpent |
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How To Navigate The Snake Year...
Seven Sexy Steps to guarantee a successful snake year! |
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(i) Seduction: Do you seduce people into being who you want them to be, doing what you want them to do and agreeing with whatever you think, feel and believe? Are you easily influenced by charismatic individuals, or bought by blinding brands, or manipulated by media echo-chambers? Breathe into your body and slow things right down, using your head, heart and gut to feel into what's real, what doesn't quite feel right and what's worthy of further exploration. Hopefully, your body barometer will help you feel into what's real for you, then you can breathe and take part in the world in authentic alignment with your self.
(ii) Secrets: St Hildegard of Bingen said that 'secrets make us sick'. Jesus of Nazareth said that 'the truth will set us free'. This year, conscious cats will find their way out of the bags with information that will surely shock, sicken and eventually liberate so many of us, opening our eyes, heads and hearts to what really is and what has been hidden for far too long. From familial facts, to historical hoaxes, to religious revelations, to the secrets we keep from ourselves and those we love - this will be a year of revelations, with houses of cards tumbling down to make space for firm foundations, so we can build on truth, with love.
(iii) Shedding: As the snake regularly sheds its skin, we are reminded that we can also let go of outgrown restrictions, with love and gratitude. As the veil is lifted from our eyes we are free to shed any thing, any one, old beliefs and behaviours, patterns and pacts that have kept us trapped in our own minds and misery. So here's to letting go of encumberments and making space for new opportunities, new beginnings, transformative ideas and feeling comfortable in our own skin as we navigate into bigger, better lives. Who or what in your life no longer sparks joy? Hold them in your heart with gratitude, then shed them with love.
(iv) Simplicity: I believe that the complications of modern life have been designed to distract. I've found screens to be addictive, easy to hide behind, or work at like a possessed maniac. As conscious adults, we have absolute choice over where we put our attention and how we spend our time. I've recently spent a small fortune to simplify my life and business, my tech and passwords, my organisation and team, so that I can give more energy to what I want to grow and I can notice the signs and temptations that life always sends my way. Life is on my side (I believe yours too!) and I've made space for growth and adventure.
(v) Stillness: It's in the silence that I can hear the still silent voice that puts the pieces together and has always guided me. This isn't the voice or reason, or the critical voice that wants to keep me safe from humiliation, or the protective voice that wants to keep me safe from harm, this is more of an inner voice that has told me to say something to a stranger that has changed my life, or to not take the next step off the pavement to save my life, or who to trust, or which turn to take, or which hunch to follow. Sometimes I hear this voice in meditation, sometimes in nature, sometimes when I'm ironing my shirts, always in the stillness.
(vi) Silliness: Where's the fun in always being wise and wonderful, still and spiritual, focussed, forgiving and forging ahead? I worry that taking myself too seriously will give me worry lines! I'd rather express the fun stuff that goes through my head than wear a professional 'I've got it all sorted' mask, while over-thinking and putting on a good show. As we say at MenSpeak, 'we're here to show up, not show off' so authenticity is key and risking being a laughing stock is worth the risk... Life is worth the risk! What other people think of me is none of my business, so I'll show up partaking in the pleasures of my pathway! |
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My latest Agony Uncle column for the iPaper
I'm 61 and my wife wants a divorce - I regret everything I didn't do. |
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Be the love, share the love... |
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