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How has your 2024 been so far?
Mine has been a bit of an insightful runaway rollercoaster... |
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As the year draws to a close, I invite you to do three things:
1. List the lows of the year. The times you've felt lost and lonely, sad and stuck, ready to throw the towel in with a "you win! I'm out of here!!" This was one of mine and I'm relieved to say that right now, I'm doing just fine...
2. List the learnings from the lows and celebrate that you're no longer there! If you are still in a bit of a dip and things haven't passed yet, breathe into your feelings and follow you feeling back to their source. Back there and then (in your dark shadow) is probably that part of you that wants your attention, so you can feel any unfelt feelings and heal them by simply being with them, thus allowing them to pass. Meeting your distressed child in the past and breathing them safely into the present will probably set your spirit free! If you need help with this, book a short Zoom with me.
3. List the life that you wish to live, without being attached to the details of it. My biggest mistake was being attached to the way I wanted life to be, as well as how I got there. This was limited to my previous experience, where life wanted to bring me bigger and better things from way beyond my experience. So I had to learn to let go of control and see what life had in store, including and beyond my wildest dreams! The big trick I learned is to feel as if I was living my dream, then breathe this feeling into the present. This is the gold shadow of what might be. |
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Christmas Is A Time For Giving
Please allocate some of your charitable giving to our CIC
We've proven that
- Men do speak (when people know how to simply listen)
- Men cry (when they feel safe enough to feel their feelings)
- Men make friends (without selling out on integrity / boundaries)
- Men laugh (whole-heartedly, without it having to be at anyone's expense)
- Men care (we're in it together; we can learn from one another's experiences)
If you'd like to support our work, please click here and give whatever you can. People have donated between £5 - £10,000 so far and it's all helping us scale up our offering to support the mental, emotional and social health of men, our families, our communities, and society at large. Go to www.menspeak.co.uk. |
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My latest Agony Uncle column for the iPaper
The Christmas letters must be rolling in... |
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Be the love, share the love... |
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